Occupational Therapy
Moor House employs an extensive and highly specialist team of onsite Occupational Therapists (OTs) and Occupational Therapy Assistants (OTAs) who work across the school day and into residential care time to enable students to participate in daily activities that they want, need or have to do.
Occupational Therapy interventions are integrated across the curriculum to ensure a consistent approach and the ongoing development of skills to maximise potential for learning and independence.
OTs work with students intensively in 1:1 sessions, small groups and directly in the classroom enabling students to develop their motor, sensory and independence skills using a range of specialist approaches.
We have fully equipped Occupational Therapy rooms in which to carry out specialist interventions; these include gross and fine motor rooms and rooms dedicated to developing activities for daily living and independence.
Occupational Therapists lead on a whole school approach to ensure the students’ sensory needs are met and integrated throughout the school day.
At Moor House we have developed evidence based frameworks to deliver, track and measure students’ independence in life skills called the COMPASS OF INDEPENDENCE™ Framework, the WHEEL OF INDEPENDENCE™ Framework and the Moor House School & College Independent Travel Pass system.
We have excellent links with Universities both in terms of supporting those training to become therapists and in carrying out joint research projects to ensure our students make maximum progress.