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Moor House School & College Governors work with the Senior Leadership Team to:

  • Provide a clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure money is well spent
  • Ensure educational performance is maintained to the highest of standards

Our Governors and Trustees sit on four main committees, each with different roles and policy responsibilities. Each committee meets between three and six times every year and reports to the Governing Body.  Governors also attend sub-committees on specific issues. 


Every Child Matters (ECM)

Chair: Laura Middleditch (Trustee)

Members: Stuart Dennison (Chair Trustees & Governing Body), Julia Irvine (Trustee), Jane Vallance (Staff Governor), Natalie van Erp (Parent Governor)

SMT representatives: Principal, Deputy Head Teachers (School), Deputy Head Teacher (College), Head of Therapy Services and Admissions, Head of Residential Care, Deputy Head of Residential Care

Role: To monitor, support and recommend improvements in the outcomes of the government’s Every Child Matters agenda.

Policies monitored:  Child Protection and Safeguarding;  Intimate Relationships and Sex Education; Statement of Boarding Principles and Practice; Notification and Recording of Significant Events; Exclusions; Behaviour – College; Behaviour – School; Anti-bullying; Medical; Off-site Visits; Missing Students; Positive handling; Consent and Confidentiality; Equal Opportunities and Diversity; Staff Code of conduct; Whistleblowing; Complaints; Admissions; Attendance (pupils); E-safety

Progress and Attainment (P&A)

Chair: Kevin Maskell (Trustee)

Members: Judy Ireson, Steve Gooch (Trustees)

SMT representatives: Principal, Deputy Head Teachers (School), Deputy Head Teacher (College), Head of Therapy Services and Admissions, Head of Residential Care

Role: To monitor, support and recommend improvements in all aspects of student progress and attainment in education, therapy and care including health & well-being.

Policies monitored: Curriculum - Literacy, Handwriting, Numeracy and PSHCE; Teaching and Learning; Drug Education; Assessment, Marking and Feedback; Pupil Premium; Attendance (pupils)

Finance and Audit (FAC)

Chair: David Marnham (Trustee) 

Members: Stuart Dennison (Chair Trustees & Governing Body), Will Gunston  (Trustee), Julia Irvine (Trustee), Richard Pizkorz (Trustee) 

SMT representatives: Principal, Bursar & Business Manager

Role: To monitor, support and recommend improvements in financial planning, control and performance to ensure long term financial sustainability.  To provide Trustees with assurance and recommendations on the effectiveness of use of resources, risk management, financial controls and fraud.  

Policies monitored: Data Retention and Archiving; Data Protection; Charging and Remissions;  

Human Resources and Governance (HR&G)

Chair: Steve Gooch (Trustee)

Members: Stuart Dennison (Chair Trustees & Governing Body), Will Gunston (Trustee), Samantha Ackerley (Staff Governor)

SMT representatives: Principal, Bursar & Business Manager

Role: To monitor, support and recommend improvements in the implementation of Moor House School & College Human Resources strategies and plans in support of our aims for students and the welfare of staff.  To ensure that the governance structure and processes are fit for purpose. 

Policies monitored: Recruitment and Selection; Staff Attendance; Performance and Pay (teachers); Grievance; Disciplinary; Capability; Redundancy; Reputation Management 

Pay Committee

Chair: Stuart Dennison (Chair Trustees & Governing Body) 

Members: David Marnham, Steve Gooch (Trustees)

SMT representatives: Bursar & Business Manager 

Role: To decide the pay of senior managers and recommend pay and remuneration for policy for groups of staff.

Policies monitored: none 

Research Ethics Panel

Chair: Judy Ireson (Trustee)

Members: Will Gunston (Trustee), Dr Michael Absoud (External)

SMT representatives: MHRTI Director, Head of Therapy Services & Admissions

Role: To assess all internal and external research projects submitted by the Internal Ethics Committee for assurance that any research project meets MHS&C ethical standards before approval.

Policies monitored: Research Ethics

How to become a Governor 

If you are interested in becoming a Governor at Moor House, please email info@moorhouseschool.co.uk