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Anything is better than nothing. But is it?

‘Anything is better than nothing’ some say. But is it, though?

When working with children to improve their speech, language and communication, you want to be sure that the interventions you use achieve your aims. It's even more important in current times post-covid, with more demand on services than ever, that the therapy being delivered is as efficient as possible.

It can't be the case that 'anything is better than nothing'; it's about getting the best possible outcomes in the most efficient way. To do that, you need to know what is effective, and what isn't. That’s when knowing the research evidence could help.

The Moor House Research and Training Institute is at the forefront of global research and training in the field of speech and language disorders, taking the benefits of our work-out more widely through training courses, published research and resources for professionals.

The Current Evidence Base for School-Aged Children with DLD course, hosted by Dr Susan Ebbels, aims to update Speech and Language Therapists (and other interested professionals) on the current evidence base for language intervention for school-aged children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).

Delivered online across two half-days, the course focuses predominantly on the effectiveness of different methods of service delivery, comprehension and production at the word, sentence and narrative level. Small group discussions are actively encouraged to share ideas and challenges to practice.

For more information visit the course page