DLD Webinars 2025 - "Recognising & Supporting Developmental Language Disorder in the Classroom". Book Now


If you require support using the WHEEL OF INDEPENDENCETM online tool please check our FAQ’s below.

If this does not answer your query, please email us at woiinfo@moorhouseschool.co.uk and we will reply to you as soon as we can.

That’s ok, when you go to the login page, there is a prompt which asks you if you have forgotten your password. Follow the instructions to update your password.


There are two levels of access for your school, “Administrator” level access and “User” level access. Only the school “Administrator” will be able to add “Users” for your school. Please contact them if you need to add new staff.

The levels of skill areas have been structured in a hierarchical order to make sure students achieve all areas of the WOI.  Whilst you can jump ahead, it is not possible to complete a level with an “Achieved date” until the previous level is complete. Please go back over the previous levels and check that all skill areas are achieved.

Every skill area should be achievable through the use of different strategies and interventions. Please consult an Occupational Therapist for advice on appropriate strategies. Or contact woiinfo@moorhouseschool.co.uk to enquire about training.


5 skill areas within the WHEEL OF INDEPENDENCE™ framework have a ‘non-applicable’ option under the date box, as these may not apply to all young people.  


It is the judgement of the professional or parent working with the young person to identify if any areas are not achievable or only partially achievable. Please use the comment box to record your reasoning.

No, all historical comments are collected and stored on the tool. If a student regresses in a skill area it is possible to remove the date achieved in order to show their current levels. 

When a student/client has left your organisation you can archive their information in the edit student tab. This means their information will be stored but will not be included in group reports unless you specifically select that in your filters.

No, the archived students’ data remain on the tool for you to look at in case you need to report on historical data but they do not count towards your current student profile numbers and thus will not affect the amount you pay.

The tool uses two factor authentication to ensure only the correct people can access it. This is done by a code being sent to the email address linked to the account. Whenever you use a new device you will be required to enter a code. Authentication will be required every 30 days, this will be requested automatically.

You should speak to your school administrator but if they can’t help, they can contact the support team at Moor House School & College, Just email woiinfo@moorhouseschool.co.uk.

This is just used as a prompt for the parent or staff member working with the young person to remind them to observe them completing the activity more than once to make sure they are competent and can repeat the skill in different locations and with no support.